Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Guide to CIBIL or Credit Score and How To Avail a Loan With Bad Credit Score?

Your financial profile and credit worthiness highly depend on your credit score. A credit score is a 3-digit number that is assigned to your profile after assessing your credit & debit history. This score ranges from 300 to 900, where anything above 750 is termed as perfect. In India, you may find many agencies who calculate or do credit scoring, but among all TransUnion CIBIL is popular and reliable. Hence, a credit score is also referred to as the CIBIL score.

CIBIL or credit score is the first and foremost vital factor that is checked by every financial institution whenever you apply for any kind of credit i.e. a loan or a credit card. It allows the lender to assess your repayment capability. If your score is low, then the chances of accessing the credit will get badly affected and you might not get the same on your favorable terms & conditions or it might get rejected too. Thus, it becomes essential that you know how you can improve your credit score as this not only ensure that you get the required funds but will also allow you to crack a better deal suiting your terms.
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